Euphoria Harmony

Euphoria Harmony

The second book in the Basics of Healthy Relationships series.

Tom drummed nervously on the steering wheel and looked at his watch. 7:58 p.m. Mary was late again. He sighed and tried to suppress his growing irritation. They had agreed to meet outside the house at 7:45 p.m. to go to their first session with the marriage counselor. Tom leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Memories surfaced of how he and Mary had met five years ago…

Euphoria Harmony

In English, online, PDF, EPUB

Euphoria Harmony

The reading of this story was almost a burst of laughter. Right on! Katya and Anton. 

Euphoria Harmony

It’s like I went to a shrink myself. Paul. 

Euphoria Harmony

The Basics of Healthy Relationships

The first book in the series.

About the book
Euphoria Harmony

Arthur Tiger. The Basics of Healthy Relationships. All rights reserved © 2024 HappyMoon  instagram | facebook | telegram